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Volunteering Benefits Your Body, Mind, and Community


Improve your mental and physical health by volunteering.

Today’s headlines are filled with anxiety-inducing news. It’s easy to get lost in worrying about the present and the future. These emotions can drain our energy and keep us from experiences that support our well-being.

It’s helpful to remember that there are things we can do to create balance in our lives. One of the ways to do this is through volunteering. Research confirms that giving our time to causes that matter to us offers multiple health benefits, providing a powerful antidote to the emotional drain of these challenging times.

In research studies, volunteers have reported increased positive feelings, improved self-esteem, and reduced stress when serving others. Stress reduction is a significant component of improving overall health, making the connection between volunteering and improved mental and physical health undeniable.

Volunteering is also an opportunity to connect with like-minded people, expand social networks, and allow us to share current skills or encourage learning new ones.

Make a Difference for Your Community and Feel Good


Volunteering is connected to the release of dopamine, which promotes relaxed and positive feelings. It gives us a sense of purpose, meaning, and connects us to something bigger than ourselves.

Millions of volunteers in the United States provide hours of their time supporting causes close to them, improving their overall life satisfaction, mental health, and general happiness. Organizations they volunteer for benefit positively, often resulting in their mission having a greater impact.

Are you ready to put on your volunteer hat? Explore search tools like VolunteerMatch, or if your EAP benefit provider has a Daily Living service, like Wellspring EAP, you can get help finding volunteer opportunities. Resource experts can connect you with organizations that best fit what causes are important to you and your family.


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”Helen Keller



Interested in volunteering at Wellspring Family Services?

At Wellspring, we are grateful for the volunteers who help fulfill our mission and make a real difference in people’s lives. We offer volunteer opportunities for groups and individuals year-round. For more information, please visit our Volunteer webpage or contact


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