- About
- Services
- HousingServices to help families retain and regain stable housing.
- Early LearningPre-K education for children experiencing homelessness.
- Family StoreAccess to free clothing and essential items for children age 0–17.
- Employee Stability ProgramEmployee Stability Program helps employees retain or regain housing stability.
- Impact
- Get Involved
- Individual GivingMake a life-altering gift in support of Wellspring families.
- Corporate EngagementLearn how your company can make an impact on family homelessness.
- VolunteerismShare your time, share your talents. Here’s how you can help.
- Planned GivingPlanning what is important to you in life creates a legacy for tomorrow.
- Our FundersWith gratitude to our partners in ending homelessness.
- PublicationsRead impact reports and archived newsletters.

Virtual Knit Night is a chance for Wellspring volunteers who knit and crochet to connect with one another and help families facing or experiencing homelessness.
Wellspring will also provide an update on the volunteer knitting program and the families served through our Family Store. We hope to see you at this FREE and FUN event.