- About
- Services
- HousingServices to help families retain and regain stable housing.
- Early LearningPre-K education for children experiencing homelessness.
- Family StoreAccess to free clothing and essential items for children age 0–17.
- Employee Stability ProgramEmployee Stability Program helps employees retain or regain housing stability.
- Impact
- Get Involved
- Individual GivingMake a life-altering gift in support of Wellspring families.
- Corporate EngagementLearn how your company can make an impact on family homelessness.
- VolunteerismShare your time, share your talents. Here’s how you can help.
- Planned GivingPlanning what is important to you in life creates a legacy for tomorrow.
- Our FundersWith gratitude to our partners in ending homelessness.
- PublicationsRead impact reports and archived newsletters.
Intake Information
Please bring the following items with you to your intake appointment IF you have them and IF they apply to you and your family
- Immunization records for your child
- Name/address/phone number of your child’s doctor/clinic
- Emergency contact person – name/phone number
- DSHS case number
- The amount you receive each month for WIC, food stamps, and TANF
- Provider One card or Health Insurance information
- Protection or No Contact Order
Please note that an intake takes approximately 1.5 – 2 hours. Please plan to allow yourself this much time for us to review Wellspring Family Services Early Learning Center’s policies and complete all necessary paperwork. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss our program!