- About
- Services
- HousingServices to help families retain and regain stable housing.
- Early LearningPre-K education for children experiencing homelessness.
- Family StoreAccess to free clothing and essential items for children age 0–17.
- Employee Stability ProgramEmployee Stability Program helps employees retain or regain housing stability.
- Impact
- Get Involved
- Individual GivingMake a life-altering gift in support of Wellspring families.
- Corporate EngagementLearn how your company can make an impact on family homelessness.
- VolunteerismShare your time, share your talents. Here’s how you can help.
- Planned GivingPlanning what is important to you in life creates a legacy for tomorrow.
- Our FundersWith gratitude to our partners in ending homelessness.
- PublicationsRead impact reports and archived newsletters.
Bequest Alternatives
Designate Wellspring as a beneficiary
One of the simplest and fastest ways to make a planned gift is to designate Wellspring as a beneficiary on a financial account such as:
- IRA or a qualified retirement plan, such as a 401(k)
- Life insurance policy
- Pension
- Bank account or certificate of deposit
This type of planned gift often takes very little time or energy. Simply fill out a Beneficiary Designation Form from the financial institution (often available online) and write Wellspring Family Services, EIN 91-0567261, as a beneficiary.
Beneficiary designations enjoy the same estate tax benefits as a bequest, and in some cases can produce income tax savings for your heirs.
To discuss making a legacy gift to Wellspring, please email Angela Bishop, VP of Development, or call 206.787.8016.
Please let us know if you have already made a planned gift to Wellspring so we can publicly recognize you in our 1892 Legacy Circle!